
What is Asthma?

Asthma is a chronic condition that affects the airflow into and out of the lungs. The airways connected to the lungs carry air in and out of them. With asthma, these airways become inflamed at times, making it harder for air to move through the passages.

What are the symptoms of Asthma?

Asthma attacks are caused by exposure to different allergens and irritants. These can cause the body to react to the invaders with inflammation of the airways leading to the lungs. Common irritants include pollen, pet dander, dust, mold, smoke, stress, and different weather conditions.

How can chiropractic help with Asthma?

The respiratory system is connected to the central nervous system in the spine. Misalignments in the spine can affect the respiratory system; correction of these misalignments can improve nervous system connectivity, leading to better organ function. Chiropractic has been shown to improve respiratory and immune system function, leading to improvements for those with asthma. Schedule an appointment today to find out for yourself how chiropractic can help.